ZStudio 3.x User Manual
ZStudio is a cross-platform IDE with Terapines built-in tools. All-in-one, highly automated, ZStudio provides users with a complete set of solution which is perfect for fast and easy SoCs architectures exploration and embedded applications development.
Release notes
The user manual of ZStudio 3.x is applicable to the latest version of ZStudio 3.x which supports Linux and Windows. You can check the changelog to get informed of information about the changes, improvements, and fixes.
Platforms version
Please get informed of the difference between cloud and desktop(Lite/Pro) versions. You can follow the instructions to Install ZStudio. For CLI users, we provide command line guidance of ZCC to help you to get started.
Featured modes
ZStudio provides three featured modes, ZSolution, ZExplorer and ZChecker, to address different development needs. When first launched, you need to determine which mode you want to enter. Each time you launch it after that, ZStudio opens up in the same mode you selected. To switch to another mode, click mode icons on up-left corner of the main window and make a selection from the drop-down menu.

ZSolution has built-in tools of compiler, simulator, debugger and profiling tool, which provide a layout to fulfill main requirements for embedded development.

ZExplorer has built-in instruction customization tool and virtual SoCs modeling tool, which helps to explore ISA and microarchitecture to find the appropriate design.

ZChecker has built-in C/C++ static analyzer tool, which fully supports HIS code complexity metrics and helps to check MISRA C coding guidelines as well as develop software compliant with ISO26262.
Developer forum
Welcome to the official launch of 1nfinite forum! Feel free to discuss ZStudio-related topics. Our team is here to provide swift responses and enhance your user experience. You can also join us to start conversations on RISC-V and AI, delving into the diverse applications of RISC-V across different domains and exploring the future of the new era of computing power.