Get help
ZStudio supports outputting runtime logs, including interactive log information such as debugging sessions, to a temporary file, making it convenient for developers to troubleshoot issues based on users feedback.
Make sure you turn on trace option. Go to Preference > Settings, search "Runtime:Trace" and check the box.
Go to Help > Feedback, you can choose directly copy log file content or open it in your file system.
Click OK to go to the feedback website. When report an bug, you need to attach this
to the issue or paste log in description.
ZStudio Lite/ZStudio Cloud
Any feedback on using ZStudio Lite or ZStudio Cloud is welcome at 1nfinite developer forum. Our team is here to provide responses and enhance your user experience.
ZStudio Pro
We open issue tracking system for ZStudio Pro. If you need help or have a question with any aspect of ZStudio, let us know! We highly value user feedback and suggestions.
Report bugs on ticket page of Terapines Support. You can also post feature requests by creating a "feature" issue. High quality bug reports and feature requests are valuable contributions on ZStudio.
For product usage instructions, please refer to our regularly updated online documentation. If you need further guidance, submit a "support" request on Terapines Support.