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License and privacy

This section will introduce additional help information for ZStudio.


For trial users, we provide full access for trial users. Each user account is linked to a specific license. When use ZStudio, signing in means that the account is associated with the current machine. When signing out, the account is unbound from the machine. If you sign in on a different machine without signing out from the previous machine, there is an error message on bottom-right corner and you can unbind the License from the previous machine to use it on current one by clicking Unbind and Request License.

In the case that the license has expired, you can still build projects with ZCC, but only with the -O0 optimization level. License may be invalidated for any of the followings reasons:

  • The use of same account on multiple PC: only the first PC can successfully validate the license. Delete cache: avoid manually deleting or clearing authorization-related cache data when performing online authorizations to ensure smooth subsequent authorization updates.
  • Change of user, such as: switch from administrator user to general user or switch between general user accounts.
  • Change of operating systems, such as: switch from Ubuntu to CentOS.
  • Inaccurate system clock cause by changing time zone or low battery.
  • Changes on hardware configure , including but not limited to processor, hard drive, etc.
  • Other situations that may cause major changes in the software and hardware.

The license verification is usually not affected by updating the system , such as: updating from Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu 22.04.

Click Help > Legal Notice to view the license information of ZStudio.

Privacy statement

Click Help > Privacy Statement to view ZStudio's privacy policy.